EP. 004 Unleash the Patriarchal Power Within: Two Females Experience at a Tony Robbins Event

In March/April of 2017, I attended a Tony Robbins event called Unleash the Power Within (UPW) with a large group of friends and acquaintances. This podcast recording was recorded about six months after attending in August of 2017. 

My very good friend, Juliet Maris and I share the major lessons we both learned from the event. We also talk about the intense anger we felt about the overwhelming patriarchal dominance of power at the event and why it was so problematic having one very particular style of female energy at the event. 

Both of our opinions and feelings continue to unfold regarding this personal development tycoon especially after the disgusting behavior he displayed at his UPW event this year (2018), where he outright bullied a woman who was calling him out on his responsibility as a male leader with a large platform in the #metoo movement. 

Juliet Maris an Alignment Therapist & Yoga Instructor in New York City who believes that life is about balance. With a background in dance, massage, and personal training, she has a deep understanding of how the body works on many different levels. She uses a mind, body, spirit approach in pain relief to facilitate more healing in less time. This is possible because all facets of pain are being addressed.
To Juliet, healing is about understanding your patterns and making decisions that support your body. She empowers her clients to take their health in their own hands by sharing the tools they need to stay out of pain. When the body's in alignment, there’s only room for wellness. 

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