EP. 006 When Your White Privileged Bubble Bursts with Thaís Sky

This episode was recorded in early September of 2017. It was shortly after the rally and protests in Charlottesville happened. I lived in Virginia Beach from the age of 11 to 21, so these events woke me up in a big way. I have no excuse for my ignorance up until then. White supremacy and racism are not new, my whiteness simply afforded me the privilege of benefiting from it. Therefore, it allowed me to not have to address it. 

The culture of whiteness normalizes the dehumanization of Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and keeps us from dropping into the depths of our humanity. The work of dismantling our own internal oppressor is painful and it is required. As a white woman (WW) who is in the spiritual realm of the coaching industry, I recognized that all the internal work I have dedicated myself to has more than prepared me to wake up to my whiteness. So to not do it would be a blatant act of upholding white supremacy. That is something I am simply unwilling to do. I am strong enough to do this work and so are you. This is the real work. This is the true call. Humanity is literally dependant on us dismantling systems of oppression. 

Please check out all the links in the show notes below for more ways to educate yourself and start/continue this work.


Jane Elliott
Audre Lorde
Desiree Adaway - Diversity is an Asset
Andréa Renae - Coaching as Activism course
Catrice Jackson - She Talks We Talk
(this is the course I was enrolled in at the time of this recording)
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Waking Up to Your White Privilege, Now What? Podcast Series, Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3...
(this is an ongoing series I am a part of on Thaís's Podcast, RECLAIM)
Leesa Renee Hall
Layla Saad 
Rachel Cargle - start with her Social Syllabi
RayRay Ricketts - Spiritual Activism 101





Lindsey RaeComment